After realising that my first idea was too basic and predicable I went back to the drawing board and started to create a new idea which expressed my music more and related to the 3 words I choose. I want my animation to be bouncy to fit with the beat of the music and I want an element of surprise and a feel that the animation is a breath of fresh are something different and thinking outside the box.
Therefore I came up with this idea:
my music will start around 10 seconds in when the men in the music are chatting and laughing. With out too much thought of the characters at the start the animation will flow as a gang of characters will be stood on top of a set of stairs looking very happy and laughing to one another over the fact that another solo character at the bottom of the stairs is upset as he cant seem to manage to climb up the stairs, as the music progressively builds up there is more laughter so this is the idea that the gang at the top are bullying and mocking the character at the bottom of the stairs but after a while the character at the bottom has had enough and finds the courage to master the stairs and this happens when the music cuts from laughter to the actually start of the track. There is a 5 note musical flick from an instrument and this is where the characters at the bottom of the stairs find the courage to jump the up. This annoys the gang and the bullied character is now the happy smug one who is bouncing around to the beat but once the track gets more progressively loader and more instruments (the part where the deep trombone comes in) the charter which was getting mocked loses his balance and trips down the stairs and splatters at the bottom.

This is the brief idea I drew up in my sketch book. I looked into characters and I really like the idea of fruit because it relates to my three words mainly the quirky side of things as bullied fruit and having a laugh with fruit is a rather abstract thought and thinking of the idea actually make me laugh. I imagine it being something Pixar mite of come with.

If you enlarge the image you can see the thought process I went through to choose my characters. I finally decided that I wanted fruit as my characters. There will be two Pairs which will be the two at the top of the stairs which they will be picking on and laughing at the third character the apple. The concept of these characters is based on a rime, apple and pairs on the stairs. Also the other reason I choose these characters is that I want a bouncing feel to the animation which links up to the beat of the music and an apple is rather round and would best if was bouncing along to the beat, just like a ball. The pairs are also picked because it's a lot bigger than an apple and looks different, so a more aggressive look is passed off from a pear than an apple.

I started to look into how my background setting might look like for my charters to act on. I thought about it being in a park. I want it to be a clear difference between the heights of the two levels in which the apple and pears will be situated on. so the pears are looking down upon the lonely apple.