Early draft of my storyboard. The 12 shots on the board aren't individual shots as it would only take up 1 second of footage. This is the brief idea if how i want my story to flow. The which i was given is Nortec Collective and its rather bouncy and happy, there is a trombone which comes in near the start of the music and it is over looped with a slight hip hop beat. My entail thoughts of making this animation was to make my film quite humours and a little bit cheeky. So i have created this story of a hippo finding love. The reason for the hippo is that it imitates the trombone as an instrument, the sound is very big deep and has a chubby feel to it and an animal which could imitates this would big rather large and chubby just like an hippo or elephant but I choose hippo as though it would create a funnier character. The basic story line is that it's set in Africa near an oasis which the animals go done to get water and revitalize them self's. A young male hippo comes onto the scene around 25 seconds into the music and he see's a strapping young female hippo and when the music starts to drop to the beat the male bounces over to the oasis where the female is feeling happy cheerful. He eventually catches the eye of the female hippo and they both are faltered by one another and fall in love. The cheeky side to the story is the young hippo at the end of the scene, the camera will be a close up on his face and he raises his eye brows in a seductive way to show the audience that he might get lucky, also this leaves the audience in suspense of what could happen plus can be interpreted in various ways, in all a 'cheeky chappy'.
After careful consideration and group talks i have decided that this idea won't be taken through to the final development stages. The reason for this is that I want a animation which is going to really stand out and be quirky and funny plus an element of abstract thinking and this idea is rather simple and slightly predictable. I want a design which will have an element of surprise. Also because this idea is heavily based on character development and key facial features of the hippo's it will become too complex within the drawings to complete in the time period given and not undermining my own drawing stills but I haven't quite got the skills under the pencil and paper to pull off exceedingly well drawn characters which imitate what the ideas in my head look like.
Early development into my first idea of the hippo which finds love in South Africa. Basic drawings of how i would want the characters to look.